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The Big Five for Life download

The Big Five for Life by John P Strelecky

The Big Five for Life

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The Big Five for Life John P Strelecky ebook
Format: pdf
Publisher: Aspen Light Publishing
Page: 244

Vandaag: het boek The big five for life! Just like John P Strelecky put it in his book "The Big Five for Life - Leadership's greatest secret". It is not what others want to do, see or experience. Strelecky: The Big Five for Life 9783423345286, TB, € 8,90. It is those things which you want to do, see, or experience in your life. I will personally be teaching all three days of the course. Een paar maanden geleden alweer las ik op twitter over het boek 'The big five for life' van auteur John P. If you've read the Big Five For Life, or Life Safari you'll know what I mean… and how important today is. Are you interested in fulfilling your Big Five for Life? Dus, zoals ik meestal doe, ging ik naar de bieb en leende het boek. Join me December 6-8 in Hamburg, Germany for the next Big Five for Life Fulfillment workshop. €�Was wäre wenn Sie jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln zur Arbeit gehen könnten?” so fängt der Klappentext dieses Buches an.